Daring Greatly

Hi, I’m Virginia and those two sweet boys are the “l” and “a” in the l&a diaries. The hand I’m holding, is the hand I will hold on to “till death do us part.”

I’ve had a mental debate for a long time to start a blog that shares information about mental health and women but my insecurities would always win and I would throw the idea out of my head. Well today I have decided to dare greatly and step out of my comfort zone and just do it! 

I’ve been married for almost 9 years and have a 3.5 year old and a 16 month old. I work as a therapist in Houston and am huge mental health advocate. My hope is that by sharing information about mental health and including part of my life as a mom and wife, that a conversation will start and light will be shed on areas that are often very dark: anxiety, depression, shame (mom shame and guilt), loneliness, self-worth, etc.

Being a wife and a mom brings many joys but it’s not all hearts and rainbows. There are many struggles and I’ve learned that many women do not talk about the struggles because of shame. You are not alone. I see you. I am you. 

I look forward to sharing a piece of my life with you and look forward to hearing your stories. So please comment and lets start having a conversation.

3 thoughts on “Daring Greatly

  1. So inspirational that you’re willing to share. You being open tells me, and others, it’s ok to talk about what many moms have been afraid to share, not just how “great” everything is and how “wonderful” being a mom is, but other feelings as well. No shame and no judgement.

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