I am E. Virginia Miller Caballaro. I am a Licensed Professional Counselor at The Menninger Clinic in Houston, TX. I’ve been working in mental health for 16 years, 7 of those as a therapist. 

I created the l&a diaries to start a conversation about women and mental health. The l&a are the first two letters of my sweet boys names, Lucas and Andrés. 

“Do what you love, and you will never work a day in your life.” I love what I do! It’s an honor to be trusted with a persons vulnerabilities. 

I work with all ages but I love working with children, adolescents, and young adults. Because I work mainly with that population, I do a lot of parenting and family work. 

In addition to my work as a therapist, I also serve as a coach for teens and adults, who need a little more routine in their lives and the accountability to follow through, by creating structure and new patterns.

I am currently accepting new clients. Due to covid19, all sessions are currently via telehealth.